Manchester, Kentucky Speed Traps

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Hal Rogers Parkway in Clay County

Manchester, KentuckyFeb 20, 20110 Comments

The Hal Rogers Parkway (formerly the Daniel Boone Parkway) is a "super-2" former toll road with truck lanes on most hills, with a speed limit of 55 mph. Design speed and actual safe speed are much higher, one can easily and safely do 70-75 mph on this road depending on traffic. Because there have been some fatal accidents on the road, Kentucky State Police heavily patrol the road. On a recent trip I encountered two KSP cruisers running radar (one with instant on) on the stretch through Clay County, from the KY 66 exit extending west past Manchester to nearly the Laurel County line. The road is lightly traveled but may have some slower trucks. Just beware and try to fall in behind another driver in case the KSP flash their instant-on at you.

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