Saint Matthews, Kentucky Speed Traps

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Interstate 264

Saint Matthews, KentuckyJun 16, 20050 Comments

Driving through suburban Louisville, I-264 is an 8-lane road where people generally drive like 15-20 miles over the speed limit. However, in St. Matthews, I obsesrved several unmarked Camaros enforcing the speed limit of like 55 or 60. Just watch out through here: don’t get run off the road, but don’t get a ticket from the Camaro cops either.

Hubbards Lane south of Shelbyville Rd.

Saint Matthews, KentuckyJul 01, 20000 Comments

Speed limit changes from 35 mph to 25 mph for about 1000 Fort in front of High School. 25 mph reduced speed limit is not time sensitive to when school is in session. I got my ticket during the summer vacation. Police hide behind bushes at the school. The radar picks up you car before you reach the 25 mph sign. If you are traveling 6 to 10 mph over the posted speed as almost everybody does, You will loose 6 point of of your license.

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