Shepherdsville, Kentucky Speed Traps

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I-65, ~Mile Marker 118

Shepherdsville, KentuckyAug 23, 20110 Comments

In spite of using cruise control set at 4mph above speed limit which was in keeping with the flow of traffic, I was stopped and charged with 16mph above the 70mph speed limit. Officer pulled up close first, apparently checking to see that I was an out of state driver before turning on his Police lights to pull me over.

Buckman Street near State Highway 44

Shepherdsville, KentuckyDec 01, 20050 Comments

Shepherdsville police work Hwy 44 and Buckman Street (Hwy 61) any time of day or night. As little as 5 MPH will get you pulled over. There is a plethora of fast food places and gas stations here by the I-65 interchange and there are a lot of out-of-town drivers. To add insult to injury, the City of Shepherdsville is considering passing an ordinance that will allow them to charge an out-of-town driver for the time that their police department spends investigating an accident, even a fenderbender. Residents of the city will NOT be charged. Be very, very careful.

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