The 10 Worst Louisiana Speed Trap Cities

As reported by motorists to The National Speed Trap Exchange over the the past 5 years:

Rank # of Speed Traps City Acknowledgement Rate*
1 3 Golden Meadow 78%
2 2 Clayton 98%
3 2 Fenton 98%
4 2 Lake Providence 92%
5 1 Natchitoches 97%
6 1 Robeline 97%
7 1 Krotz Springs 96%
8 1 Livonia 89%
9 1 Eros 83%
10 1 Ville Platte 83%

* Acknowledgement Rate = the number of “Yes, this is a speed trap” votes for the city over the defined period of time divided by the total number of Yes plus No votes

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