Bienville Parish, Louisiana Speed Traps
Bienville Parish
Driving Post Christmas from Texas, the cop was parked off road and flipped on his lights to go after two speeding cars in front of us. To our surprise he pulls us over. Says we were doing 83 in a 70, which is a complete lie. The roads were wet and traffic was heavy. We were traveling at less than 75. The other two cars passed us. Why did he pull us over? Out of state tags. When we told the cop we weren’t traveling at 83, he said I understand. You can contest it in court. Yeah like we can travel back to court. Then we get a letter from the District Attorney telling us to pay them directly in a “pre trial traffic diversion program.” Clearly we are victims of a dirty, predatory government in this miserable neck of Louisiana. Watch out for Bienville Parish.
Interstate 20 west bound
sits at the bottom of the hill as you enter Bienville parish. There is a cubby hole there and he his backed into it. Also, if you have out of state tags, do not speed. You will be the one to blame.
Entire Parish – Interstate Highway 20 – East and West
State troopers in marked cars hide in trees in medians. They use laser and shoot in both directions (east and westbound). Mid-day on a Sunday I was ticketed for doing 90 in a 70 zone.I was in the right lane surrounded front back and side by several other cars going the exact same speed but was the only one stopped. (Blond/ female/ BMW — ???.)The trooper came up from behind. In the past month, two other members of my family (all of us with Texas plates)have been ticketed in Bienville Parish. The officer was nice but wouldn’t cut me any slack. All of Bienville Parish on I-20 is a notorious speedtrap. Previous experience with the local prosecuting attorney is that he will cut some slack on the offense (reducing moving violation to a seat-belt violation) but not on the amount of the fine.