Bogalusa, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Sullivan Drive by Bogalusa Country Club

Bogalusa, LouisianaJan 12, 20100 Comments

Parked in Country Club parking lot or across the street hidden behind 6 foot board fence.

Sullivan Drive near 4th Street

Bogalusa, LouisianaJun 28, 20070 Comments

Whenever you go through this small town they are always riding up and down Sullivan Drive but they are mostly by the car wash on east 4th Street and I have seen plenty of people get tickets here so if you ever pass through please slow down.

Sullivan Dr. Near golf course

Bogalusa, LouisianaAug 05, 20020 Comments

Hand Held laser radar 35 mph do not exceed 45 mph. patrol car is usually in the golf course parking lot.

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