Bunkie, Louisiana Speed Traps
Highway 115 and Interstate 49
The cops sit in the parking lot of Sammy’s Truck Stop or nearby and wait for cars with out of state plates to leave. Once they pull out, the cops find a reason to pull them over and they wind up with hundreds of dollars in tickets.
North of Bunkie on Hwy 71
A State Trooper sits in the church parking lot on the West side with his Radar pointed South just over a rise. This is along a long straight stretch of Hwy 71 so be careful. The fines are expensive.
Coming into town, you’d better slow down BEFORE you get there. There is not enough time to lower your speed before they’ve got you for speeding inadvertently. AND, if you don’t pay them in CASH, they threaten to put you in jail for the night…..and it was CHRISTMAS EVE. Two college kids headed home to see my mom and dad, and they took our last $50.
US Highway 71 near Rail Road Crossing
Officers will usually sit next to the tracks south of Bunkie next to the Hoop Mill. Using Radar Detection does help in avoidance.