Clarence, Louisiana Speed Traps
hwy 71 nearing the red light
Speed limit goes from 55 mph to 40 in a short distance then down to around 30 or something. I was ticketed for 56 in a 40 mph zone even though I had just left the 55 mph zone and was preparing for a slower speed. Coming into town they should slow the speed further out so people can realize you’re coming into a town. I think there is some racism involved in ticketing in Clarence.
US Highway US 84 @ US 71 near US Highway
Clarence has one red light, but they have two marked units.Tickets.are for 28 in 25 and yellow Light turning red.
US Highway US84 near State Highway La6
Police hide behind anything that sits still long enough. Officer is very gruff and rude. She will write you no matter what your excuse is. Minimum fine is $207.00