Delta, Louisiana Speed Traps

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I-20 @ Mississippi River Bridge

Delta, LouisianaMay 14, 20100 Comments

A black SUV unmark sit under a overpass not for from the state scale house and when you see him it’s to late.

At the foot of the Mississippi River bridge going west .

Delta, LouisianaApr 06, 20100 Comments

An Officer will be @ the foot of the bridge on the La. side (usually a Delta cop ) will pull you over as you exit the bridge .

I-20 Overpass within Delta Town Limits

Delta, LouisianaMar 05, 20100 Comments

Local Delta, LA cop will sometimes hide under an overpass of I-20. It is a very flat and straight part of the interstate, so they will have you tagged long before you see them. If it is your first ticket, you can request the town to not report it to your driving record, and they will just gladly accept your monetary donation to their quaint little town.

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