Deridder, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Hwy 190 W, just outside of DeRidder, LA

Deridder, LouisianaJan 31, 20160 Comments

No posted speed limit in area. Up and down speed postings along Hwy 190 W. Leaving a gas station area along an out-in-the-country road. Looked in rearview mirror to see police lights. Unmarked SUV (gray). Two females posing as cops in full body armor. Was accelerating onto open country road. No traffic. They came out of nowhere.

US Highway 12 near State Highway 12

Deridder, LouisianaJul 26, 20080 Comments

Hwy 12 outside Deridder. Once you cross the Texas/Louisiana state line speed limit is posted.Once you get way outside Derrider nothing is posted until you get to the cut off to Dequinncy. Best to do about 45 mph.

State Highway 27 near City Limits

Deridder, LouisianaNov 02, 20070 Comments

Approaching DeRidder on Hwy 27 North, there is a hill just past the city limits sign. Just beyond the hill. on the left shoulder of the road, the city police park under a low hanging shade tree. Once you’re over the hill, it’s too late if you are going barely over the posted limit of 55mph. Watch out!

State Highway 171 near State Highway Lake Charles

Deridder, LouisianaJul 03, 20050 Comments

Leaving DeRidder, going south to Lake Charles by the Chevrolet car lot, often there is a police car checking speeds. It is a 35 mile per hour speed limit, but since there aren’t many businesses, it is easy to go 40-45 mph.

State Highway 171 near N. Pine and Park Street

Deridder, LouisianaJul 03, 20050 Comments

Local city police and sheriff dept. cars park at the "old" K-Mart parking lot by the Park Motel waiting for cars to "run" the red light.

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