Eunice, Louisiana Speed Traps

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US Highway 190 near Acroo from Mcdonalds

Eunice, LouisianaMar 31, 20080 Comments

City police will be in old walmart parking lot

US Highway 190 near wal-mart

Eunice, LouisianaMar 12, 20060 Comments

on us hwy 190 westbound,next to walmart across from mcdonalds,very late at night there is a unmarked police crusier hiding on the side of the loan shack clocking unsuspecting passer-byers.i know this, because I work at the mcdonalds across the road and I get out around 2:00 in the morning he will be there clocking the very few people they have on the road.from this point on toward the new super wal-mart take it easy and respect the speed limit because he will get you!

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