Fenton, Louisiana Speed Traps

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South coming into Fenton

Fenton, LouisianaMay 23, 20220 Comments

Same story, Officer was setting right where the limits change. There was a small car in front of me that I was not gaining on, but I got pulled over. Again, I saw the change from 65 to 50 mph started slowing but still got a 65 in 50. When stopped I showed him my peace officer licenses, he asked why did I hand him this with may licenses. I told him I did it because I was carrying my weapon in the vehicle with him and he advised he did not need to know that and proceeded to issue me the citation. No professional courtesy here, did not even ask for it.

Heading south on Hwy 165, coming from Coushatta Casino

Fenton, LouisianaDec 13, 20210 Comments

Little old traffic cop in a big black SUV with tinted windows. Not even sure he had a radar gun. When handing me a ticket for supposedly doing 65 in a 50 mph zone, he said, “If you don’t fight the ticket, it won’t go on your record.” It other words, if you fight us, we will screw you even more! My car has Texas plates.
My speedometer showed 51 mph when his lights came on. A complete scam!

On the left North bound under big trees Northside of town

Fenton, LouisianaJun 29, 20210 Comments

Big Black SUV very dark tinted windows hiding under the big trees on the left side of the US165 on the North side of town across from cemetery by railroad tracks. Cops there 99 percent of the time unless he’s writing a ticket after chasing you down the hwy. This is a worst speed trap I’ve ever seen. Sometimes they’re are hiding by the grain elevator on the South side of town too. Slow to 50MPH early to avoid a ticket.

On the highway

Fenton, LouisianaOct 08, 20200 Comments

Returning from the area of the Coushatta Casino, there is a single police SUV located under a shade tree to the right of the highway. I was running 68 in a 50, but the citation was issued for 75 in a 50. This is true policing for a profit. They made sure to cite me for 25 over to increase the revenue potential.

Cop under tree

Fenton, LouisianaSep 24, 20190 Comments

I was driving through Fenton with knowledge of this speed trap, so I was slowing down. I know for a fact I was going under 60, the cop popped on his lights and pulled me over. He said I got you going 63 in a 50, I know this was not correct. I called the judge to explain and he hung up on me. The only thing this little town of Fenton has is fake speeding fines.

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