Forest Hill, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Stokes Lane, Forest Hill, la.

Forest Hill, LouisianaApr 05, 20190 Comments

A country road that you would not think is even in the town of Forest Hill’S juridiction. Has a 25 mph speed limit which is not well marked. Police car hides in the woods to catch you. I would advise staying away from the nursery’s the town is famous for. If you patronize them the plants will cost too much when you add the cost of a speeding ticket, which for me was $205.

On hwy 112

Forest Hill, LouisianaMay 23, 20180 Comments

From the intersection of interstate 49 and hwy 112 heading towards Forest Hill the speed limit will reduce from 55 mph to 35 mph coming into the Forest Hill area. This reduction is marked with little notice. Once the speed limit has been reduced to 35 mph, there is little evidence for justification as the road still appears rural. So if your an out of towner like me, miss the speed change, you’ll get hit with a 55 in a 35. I’m a class A driver with an impeccable regard now facing a reckless driving at 20 mph over the posted speed limit.

Hwy 112 Through Forrest Hill East toward I-49

Forest Hill, LouisianaJan 25, 20110 Comments

Right after I warned my Wife about Forest Hill being a speed trap, she was driving through Forest Hill at 35 MPH, saw the police car parked in the curve just past center of town, she look at the speed odometer (37 mph) passed the police car @ 37 mph, She was stopped and given at ticket for 48 MPH, Wife strickly follows the speed limits, never been stopped for any speed related offenses since started driving over 15 yrs ago. Officer spelled wife’s name wrong, did not put time or place of offence on ticket. Being a cop, I called Chief of Police and questioned the type of equipment and calibration procedures use by officer. His responses was BS and not possible, but he did offer to change the ticket to a no moving violation if we paid the full fine. We are currently contesting ticket. Wife feels that she targeted as a easy victim because she is hispanic.

I 49 Exit to Forest Hill

Forest Hill, LouisianaJan 19, 20110 Comments

Speed trap location where the speed limits drop from 55 to 35 in a very short distance It is a racket this Barney Fife Police Department has going. I would urge anyone passing through this burg to refrain from stopping and spending money in this town. Hit their pocket books, and maybe the locals will reign in these road pirates.

Hwy 165 near Hwy 112

Forest Hill, LouisianaApr 08, 20080 Comments

Speed limits drop from 55 to 45 to 35 very quickly inside this construction zone. Law enforcement parks/hides in the orange barrels, and writes for 5 mph or less over the limit. Between Forest Hill and Woodworth, these are two notorious speed traps back to back on Hwy 165.

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