Hornbeck, Louisiana Speed Traps
State Highway 171 near gas stations
Somehow Hornbeck has avioded this list. Hornbeck is a little town on the way to Toldeo Bend. There are only 1 or 2 cops in this "city", but they don’t seem to have anything better to do than to give out tickets. The speed limit as you get into these towns (on the way to toledo bend) drop really quickly. The highway speed is 60 I believe. RIght before you get into town it will drop to 50…and THEN as you ENTER the town it drops again to 40 all in less than probably half a mile. Cops will wait at the city entrance and nail people all day long. When I got my ticket…he even told me that there was a state policeman over the next curve getting people and that I should be "thankful" that he got me first because state tickets are more expensive. Seems that they are actually in competition with one another!