Jennings, Louisiana Speed Traps
Felt, Louisiana
Local Police are on I-10 with their trunk lids up. They stand behind their cars as if they are fixing a tire then turn around and lazer cars. They stop twenty to thirty cars an hour when they are “trapping”.
Next to an over pass on I-10
Usual set up is 2-3 state patrol cars sitting/hiding on the west bound side of over pass near Jennings waiting for speeders. They pick you off one at a time using laser.
Interstate Near I-10 marker 64 near Exit Number 64 near airport
Been caught once here…make the trip once/twice a year since 2003 and notice city law enforcement on I-10 or the frontage road every time. I was caught by an officer monitoring speed from the frontage road (he was mobile, so I assume he was using radar but don’t remember for certain.