Lafayette, Louisiana Speed Traps
University Street near Congress Street
Cop on motorcycles are parked on the side walk in the Lafayette Middle School Zone busting people speeding. Fines are stiff in school zones so slow down. I usually see someone pulled over every morning on my way to UL.
Landry Road near US Highway 90
There’s a speed trap on Landry Road near Fieldspan. I was taking the back road back to Crowley to save time and was ticketed for speeding 65 in a 45 on a country road. Also behind the Winn Dixie in Scott.
Pinhook Road near Verot School Road
If you’re coming down Pinhook from Verot School Rd, be aware of an unmarked dark blue mid to late 90’s Ford Explorer. It’s early in the morning and people are usually speeding and I always see him on the side of the road giving someone a ticket. He usually is in the area in between Verot and Southpark.
Interstate 40, twelve mile bridge westbound
Fines of following too close with tons of louisiana state police on the ground in patrol cars writing 1200 some odd tickets in one day with airplane assistance.