Lake Providence, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Traveling South before RH turn in Lake Providence LA

Lake Providence, LouisianaNov 17, 20200 Comments

I was traveling on state Hwy 65 heading south through town. I’d just left a convenience store just outside of town by about 1/4 mile. I was in no hurry and felt like I was easing through town at appropriate speed. I was preparing to take a RH turn at the downtown turn, and a policeman popped his lights on.
I assumed it was for the car in front of me (a local) who was definitely speeding. Instead, he pulled up behind me. (Surprise, surprise) a Ga tag. He had no courtesy at all… not nice. He summarily issued me a ticket for 37 in a 25 (which I seriously doubt) and for expired insurance (which they know you have if they run your tag). I called in Monday morning and they did remove the insurance citation when I sent the insurance proof in. The ticket was $211 (OUTRAGEOUS).
Hamburg Arkansas is my home time. I travel through here regularly.
I always stopped at the Hot Sauce factory outside of town and spend about $200 per visit. I always eat at the Crawfish restaurant as I travel through. No more. I won’t drop a penny there from now on. Thanks Lake Providence.

North of Lake Providence on HWY 65

Lake Providence, LouisianaJun 16, 20200 Comments

On an open road with nothing surrounding me but row crop fields, my family of my wife and five children were ticketed for a 70 in a 55. $238 fine. We were approximately 3-5 miles south of the Arkansas border on Highway 65. The sheriff’s deputy was polite and eagerly showed me the phone number I could call to get the ticket off my record – which is certainly a key indicator of what is going on in this town.

55 is an intentionally slow posted limit and seems unethical to me. We will bypass Louisiana on future trips…we frequented gas stations and restaurants in that area, which now Mississippi localities will get.

It is really a shame that these folks and towns, and people and towns like them, prey on working people and taxpayers.

In town 35mph-25mph

Lake Providence, LouisianaDec 19, 20190 Comments

In July 2018, I was traveling through Lake Providence to Arkansas. I know the town is crooked with the speed traps so I always watch my speed. I though I was still in the 35mph zone. There are no signs stating the speed is reducing & there are no postings 250-500 feet before the new camera speed system to state photo enforced cameras. This is a state law. I received a ticket in the mail for 37 in a 25 mph. When I went back 2 weeks later, I have video from the 35 mph all the way through town until it goes back to 45 mph. There are no signs except for the 4×8 piece of plywood with the words SPEED TRAP on it at the stop sign . In order to fight it, you have to pay $50, the court & missing work, so I paid the $141, but I really want to start a class action suit.

Hwy 65 going South

Lake Providence, LouisianaSep 20, 20180 Comments

Cop pulled us and an elderly couple over and lied about speed. It is a courupt police depart. Did a internet search and it’s a comin problem. STOP Police Couruption. Corrupt police make honest departments get the heat.

Hwy 65 / Sparrow Street / Northbound

Lake Providence, LouisianaAug 16, 20180 Comments

I didn’t get a ticket for speeding. I got a straight up bogus ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign. I stopped completely. It wasn’t even a rolling stop.
But, I got hit with a $131 fine. They know that I’m not going to drive 400 miles to contest a ticket. I am, however, going to contact the district attorney for that parrish.

The stop sign is on Sparrow Street, right where the road turns left. I will never take that route again.

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