Lecompte, Louisiana Speed Traps

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U.S.Highway 71, Northbound and Southbound

Lecompte, LouisianaJan 29, 20150 Comments

U.S. Highway 71 splits just before the Lecompte city limits. Both north and southbound lanes are covered by the speed trap. The two lanes of the highway rejoin each other outside the city limits on the other side, creating an eye shape from an aerial view. It is about 20 miles south of Alexandria, LA.

On the concrete median at highway 112 and I-49. in n6xm

Lecompte, LouisianaMay 01, 20100 Comments

Going west on highway 112 toward I-49 and Forest Hill. The cop parks on the concrete median in front of Burger King and the convience store and is facing Lecompte. Catches you coming out of the last curve just before I-49. The city limits go right up to I-49.

State Highway 71

Lecompte, LouisianaApr 01, 20101 Comments

Three vehicles in our group. Drove by officer parked at a gas station. Although we were going the speed limit, he followed us anyway probably calling in each of our plates. After a mile or two he pulled beside each car checking inspection stickers. Of course mine was expired so I got pulled over. I was polite and cooperative, but that didn’t stop him from acting like a complete tool. Paid the fine, but will never go through Lecompte again.

State Highway 71 N

Lecompte, LouisianaJun 17, 20040 Comments

Persons should be alert after passing Rapids Parish High School. Speed limit is set for 50mph. Enforcement at any point. Units usually at gas stations.

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