Newellton, Louisiana Speed Traps

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US Hwy 65 & State Rte 4

Newellton, LouisianaJun 12, 20090 Comments

if you do get stop tell them ron said hi and i will be BACK

Main St & Verona St

Newellton, LouisianaJun 12, 20090 Comments

oh ya thats ron from ohio they no me just ask !!!!!!!

US Hwy 65 & Margo St

Newellton, LouisianaJun 12, 20090 Comments


US Hwy 65 & Verona St

Newellton, LouisianaJun 11, 20090 Comments

front of car shows just north if light hwy 65 north

US Highway 65 near CAUTION LIGHT

Newellton, LouisianaFeb 01, 20050 Comments

The town police hide between cars on the grocery store Parking
lot;some of the police cars are unmarked.

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