Opelousas, Louisiana Speed Traps

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US 167 (US 10) Ville Platte exit

Opelousas, LouisianaJun 08, 20150 Comments

Opelousas town Marshal outside Opelousas City limits targeting vehicles he does not recognize. Traveling with traffic and he passed others to pull me over even though we were all doing the same speed. Guess they like to patrol and ticket miles outside their city limits.

Port Barre

Opelousas, LouisianaJan 16, 20130 Comments

In the evening hour I was stopped because I left the only light in this settlement for not moving to the left lane because the police had stopped some other person. I was moving slow and they were on the other side of the car, then, here they come – I’m in the trap zone had the kids in their seat belts, one in the front, and one in the back.

Interstate 49 near Mile Marker 27.5

Opelousas, LouisianaDec 27, 20032 Comments

Ka Band-Instant on. Officer Guillory,a La. State Trooper, sits well hidden from south bound traffic. As the north bound road turns to the left, he is concealed behind the bridge at the 27 1/2 mile marker. The speed limit is 65.

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