Patterson, Louisiana Speed Traps

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State Highway Hyway 90 near Patterson State Bank

Patterson, LouisianaDec 23, 20070 Comments

From the very first moment of entering the township of Patterson till the very last moment.

US Highway 90 near Veterans Boulevard

Patterson, LouisianaNov 06, 20070 Comments

The city of Patterson uses marked and unmarked police cars to patrol U.S.Highway 90 24 hours a day.They write a citation starting for as little as 4 mph over. They work the hwy. starting at the city limits on the east side of the city to approx. 2 miles west of the city limits. They try to let you get out of town before they chase you making it look like you tried to run from them. That way it stands up better if you tried to fight it in court.

US Highway 90

Patterson, LouisianaJul 20, 20060 Comments

Wow. Word of advise. Dont Speed. Dont drive the speed limit. You don’t want to afford to accidently get a ticket b/c your speed-o-dometer is throwed off. It would be best to drive ten under. Nah They may write you for driving to slow. So umm here’s a solution. Dont drive through Patterson. just take La 70 to Baton Rouge then I-10 to Laf. and Hwy 90 South and go around that way. Good Luck

US Highway 90 near west Calumet Bridge to Bayou Vista east near Wal-Mart

Patterson, LouisianaApr 22, 20040 Comments

Anyone in the entire city limits of Patterson is vulnerable. I have lived in the area for quite some time, and the city units (navy blue) are constantly in force ticketing people – both locals and people traveling through.

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