Pineville, Louisiana Speed Traps
Louisiana College
Not really a speed trap but follow all the rules. Got stopped because the officer said i was speeding in a 15mph zone. When asked to see his radar he didnt even have a one, he said he paced me. How thats legal i dont know, especially when he was driving with no head lights on.
Hwy 107 & Cottingham behind LA College
This is not really a speed trap but a seatbelt check. As you exit 107 heading toward Alexandria and make the turn under the expressway behind LA College The Pinville PD will be standing in the road checking for seat belts and of course all the other stuff.
Entrance to Camp Beauregard and Esler Field Rd
Pineville Police station themselves inside the entrance to Camp Beauregard and watch the four way stop intersection.They are issuing tickets for rolling through the stop signs and seatbelts.They also set up radar.They can either be in cars or motorcycles.
Cottingham Expressway
Pineville police sit at the foot of the bridge crossing the Red River. Speed limit is 50 A lone car picking up speed going downhill will be picked off at over 55. It is sometimes a motorcycle cop, recently saw police car parked on service road with officer on shoulder of Expressway with radar gun.
US Highway 107 near Cottingham Expressway
There are actually several places that they sit or stand in the road for speeders, insurance,and seat belt checks. The first would be on Hwy 107 and Pinegrove they sit in the chuch parking lot also across the street. Now Two blocks up traveling on Hwy 107 they also sit on the right hand side hidden in a pull off also across the street at a convience store parking lot. In the P.M. hours they will sit also on Hwy 107 at Devilles Livestock once you cross the tracks to get on the Expressway they generally will be standing in the road stopping traffic primarily on the weekends during the A.M. hours and have also spottedthem on the other side of the Expressway going back towards Hwy 107 in Martins Building Supplies hidden on the side out of view.