Port Vincent, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Port Vincent hwy 16 to hwy 42

Port Vincent, LouisianaOct 13, 20150 Comments

They sit anywhere possible to catch anyone coming thru town they especially target motorcycles, they also stand in the road between the bridge and red light and do inspection sticker checkpoints pretty regular, they prey on plant workers making a shift change they up their patrols to catch working people commuting thru town before and after work , how can a town with a population of less than,750 justify a police force anyway

LA 16 at Bayside Drive

Port Vincent, LouisianaJan 01, 20140 Comments

Cops like to sit on this curve and run radar in this sweeping curve that is only 35 mph. Use caution.

Hwy 16 anywhere within city limits

Port Vincent, LouisianaSep 04, 20100 Comments

Port Vincent is one of the most policed towns in south LA. I never pass through town without seeing an officer writing someone a ticket or parked looking for his next victim. Time of day or night is irrelevant- they work that road at all hours. Speed limit in most of the town is 25- waaayyy too slow for that size highway with that much traffic. Guess that is what makes it perfect for writing speeding tickets! Be very careful, as they hide everywhere- at the campground, the peanut stand, at Popeye’s, the gas station, you name it and I have seen them there with radar in hand.

State Highway 16 near Parker’s Supermarket to J.J.’s Auto Parts

Port Vincent, LouisianaDec 14, 20040 Comments

The local police will sit in anything from a vacant parking lot to a ditch in order to catch you. The speed limit varies between 25-45 in parts.

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