Rayville, Louisiana Speed Traps

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425 north of Rayville at solar farm

Rayville, LouisianaMar 19, 20240 Comments

Very often there is a Morehouse Parish deputy just north of the bridge which is at the parish line. usually fairly close to the solar farm.

US Highway 80 near Harrison Street

Rayville, LouisianaJul 18, 20080 Comments

25 mph zone through the town of rayville on Hwy 80. The zone continues until after Tenant Funeral Home then changes to a 40 if you are headed east, but headed west it is 40 until you reach the fire station 2 blocks closer to town. So the limit is 2 different speeds in one spot depending on your direction. The officer is usually parked pointing his radar right before the 40 mph sign in the 25. Very common to see several people stopped in one day.

US Highway 137 near Interstate 20

Rayville, LouisianaAug 09, 20050 Comments

If you are white, have a nice vehicle or loud truck, watch out. Some of the policemen are nice and forgiving, but that is a rare case. Usually it a black cop or a redheaded white man.

US Highway 137 north near blue fire station 5miles north of Rayville

Rayville, LouisianaJul 11, 20050 Comments

they will hide behind a water tank were you cant see them but the radar can see you 58/55 will get you a ticket

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