Rosepine, Louisiana Speed Traps

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North Bound 171 Hwy just outside of the town

Rosepine, LouisianaAug 20, 20210 Comments

Notorious speed trap! Coming out of the small town of Rosepine going north bound I received a ticket for 72 on 55. In the town is 45mph then as you get onto the highway it’s 55mph then 65mph. This cop sits in the median, every morning, literally 20 yards from the sign that says 65mph and pulls people over. There is nothing there, no houses, no crosswalks or intersections. This town is in the middle of nowhere! This town is stealing money from young soldiers and their families just trying to go work! I’m so tired of this good ol’ boy state.

In the town of Rosepine, on U.S. 171, Vernon Parish

Rosepine, LouisianaFeb 28, 20180 Comments

The speed limit on U.S. 171 is 65, then it’s cut to 45 as you enter Rosepine. Even though I took my cruise control off and slowed down, I was still stopped and given a ticket for going—66! They say I speeded up when I got into town! No way to dispute it, your word against a cop’s, and they count on people realizing that futility and coughing up. At 21 mph over the speed limit, they charged me $257! This is a classic speed-trap revenue generator, notorious in Louisiana. My friend at Fort Polk, 20 miles north, told me the Rosepine cops are notorious for ambushing young soldiers en route to their morning formations. What a patriotic town!

US 171 at Weeks Rd.

Rosepine, LouisianaSep 12, 20170 Comments

There is an officer regularly perched in the median running radar.

State Highway 171

Rosepine, LouisianaMay 20, 20090 Comments

They park in middle of 4 lane in the darkest spot and check speeds way beyond city limits on the north side of town. They do the same on the south side also. No mercy ,eveyone gets ticket , most get searched. This is how town makes it money. Also beware them in gas station in center of town.

State Highway 171 near North Side Median

Rosepine, LouisianaMay 25, 20050 Comments

Worked 3-11PM shift @ Polk for 12 days straight. 6 out of 12 days one or two patrol cars were located in center median north of Rosepine. On 3 other days they had someone pulled over. I am sure there was good reason but this is a definite speed trap. I am not sure of how well the city does patrolling the inner streets because I have never seen them drive by my house (but I do not look out the window much either).

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