Sterlington, Louisiana Speed Traps
Hwy 165 near new school and Frenchman Bend subdivision turn.
Speed limit drops from 65 to 55 then back to 65, has a red light in this area also and turnoff to Frenchman Bend subdivision. Patroler almost all the time.
Highway 165 near Hwy 165/Hwy 2 intersection
This has long been a productive intersection for the Town of Sterlington in revenue from speeding tickets, especially on traffic coming from the north. The speed limit drops, in a curve, from 65 to 55 and more often than not there is a Town policeman close by, sometimes in a regular marked patrol car….but not always.
US Highway US 165 near US Highway US 165 and LA Hwy 2
The roads passing through the tiny town of Sterlington, Louisiana are constantly observed by at least two patrol vehicles and give out tickets on a constant basis. This is Sterlington’s only industry. The posted speed limit in town (on La Hwy 2) is 35 and you dare not go 36. Vehicle searches are very common and no excuses are taken for any infraction.
LA State Highway 165 between city limits and the Ouachita River Bridge, in front of the chemical plants
Speed limit drops sharply from 55 to 30 mph, police car usually concealed behind bushes or buildings. Tickets have been written for less than 10 mi. over limit. It’s possible out-of-state plates (this is near the Arkansas line) and likely out-of-towners are special targets. I have observed other motorists who couldn’t have been going very fast being pulled over, and have had a relative who said he was going right at 40 mph pulled over before he could slow down after noticing the posted limit change.