Sulphur, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Beglis Parkway

Sulphur, LouisianaAug 10, 20110 Comments

Heading South on Beglis Parkway as your crossing the bridge going over the interstate they will be parked in the median just as you top the bridge.

Cities Service and Hwy 108

Sulphur, LouisianaSep 07, 20100 Comments

At the rail road crossings, they will have the lights flashing and no trains around, then when you go through it they get you, one right after the other.
Because it’s industrial area you have to go to a class the whole thing ends up costing $350- $500.00!!

State Highway La.Hwy. 27 near Eat Burton Street

Sulphur, LouisianaMar 10, 20080 Comments

Traveling South on La. 27 entering the northern city limits the City P.D. usually sits in the West side of the highway in the area of a used car lot.

Entire City

Sulphur, LouisianaMay 07, 20020 Comments

Traps throughout entire city

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