Walker, Louisiana Speed Traps
4 miles East and 2 Miles West of Walker, exit 15 on I-12
Walker Police sit at the line of the Walker Corp. limits, as motorists enter and leave the Corp limits. A few years ago, they annexed ONLY the right away of the interstate from milemarrker 13(Comite Creek) to exit 19(including the entrance/exit ramps and overpass). Yes, that’s right….no property north or south of the interstate….just the interstate itself. Walker Police target out of area cars. They do not target local residents, per a local resident. Someone needs to investigate the issuance of tickets by Walker Police.
1-12 out of & leading to Baton Rouge
Leaving BR on 1-12 the speed limit is 70 then suddenly without notice a change is coming, mph drops to 60 Mph. There are 4 Walker local police cars , 2 on each side of the exits to Walker, stationed near the exit sides of the I-12 with radar guns. According to locals, they will ticket cars even going 65 mph. They are targeting cars in the far left lanes. There are no signs of the drop on the left, only the right side, therefore drivers who are driving there are unaware of this drop.
I-10 Just East of Walker, La [East of Denham Spings]
Walker Police sit in a squad car at night, on the shoulder of I-10 only inches from the white shoulder line, with all exterior and interior lights off, specifically on the section of the Highway that is posted as 70 MPH. Apparently, they are targeting groups of vehicles and Semis all traveling at the same general speed. As the vehicles pass the squad car, unknown to them, the previously darkened, presumably abandoned car pulls out behind the group of vehicles and proceeds to accelerate to merges in with it and moves into the left lane behind a car. Apparently, as the group passes a 60 MPH sign just obscured to drivers in the left lane by the Semis, the Walker Police accelerate rapidly, first tailgating a vehicle in the left lane, then kick on their police lights, pull you over that vehicle and issue the driver of that vehicle a ticket for speeding.
Hodges Lane near North Walker
Speed limit is 25 mph. Police is often patroling and hiding in driveways and side roads.
Peak’s Lane
Midways down from I-190 heading north, on the left at the entrance to a subdivision. Cop’s sit there on bikes and radar hiding behind the column post at the entrance to the subdivision.