Woodworth, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Woodworth on four lane going into and out of town

Woodworth, LouisianaFeb 20, 20170 Comments

New tactic: Instead of stopping people for speeding, the new tactic is for the officer to sit on the side of the road with their lights flashing. If you do not get into the other lane, they stop you for improper passing an emergency vehicle. So after getting their hand slapped for writing too many speeding tickets, they changed tactics. Watch out for any police unit in Woodworth and get into the left hand lane if they have their lights on.

Woodworth, Louisiana

Woodworth, LouisianaAug 18, 20160 Comments

miserable little town ,, with major speed limit changes,,, on a short section of road between 165 and I -49…. stay on I-49 ~~!!

Robinson Rd. Woodworth, La

Woodworth, LouisianaApr 23, 20150 Comments

Officer claims 47 in a 35, cruise was set on 40. Woodworth conveniently has a website to pay your tickets on

Indian Creek road

Woodworth, LouisianaMay 01, 20141 Comments

I got busted here doing 43mph heading to the recreation area. The speed limit drops from 45 to 25 for no apparent reason and the cop hides behind some trees right after the speed limit change.
$170 in boss hogs pocket!
last time I ever visit your town…..

The entire city is a speed trap

Woodworth, LouisianaFeb 24, 20121 Comments

Be very aware of your speed both on Highway 165 (N and S) through Woodworth, on Indian Creek Rd., Robinson Bridge, and especially Coulee Crossing, which is where the Methodist Center retreat center is located. The speed limit changes (makes no sense) and there are small hills where police hide– also where the road bends. There is a police trap on Highway 165 *everyday*.

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