Woodworth, Louisiana Speed Traps
Bayou Clear Road near Emma Black Street
On registration day of Woodworth Assemblies of God Campground they sit just beyond the campground entrance to write tickets as people travel down this road to camp. Four tickets were written in 2 hours this past Monday all to people coming to camp. The speed limit is 25 mph in a rural area where it should be 45 mph. It is very hard for vans and busses to keep a consistant 25 mph. You have to ride your brake in places down hills to stay at this speed.
US Highway 165
I am a resident of Woodworth and have been harassed by the police officers, i.e. tailgating, consistantly changing lanes in front of or behind you, and driving right beside you slowing down or speeding up when you do. They try to make you nervous so you’ll make one little mistake. Then they will throw the book at you. It is all a money-making scheme. You will see this "regime" in church every Sunday saying "Amen" louder than anyone, and then run out the door to steal from the public. A while ago, a pregnant woman whose car had broken down on the side of the road was given a ticket and left stranded miles from any houses. I was pulled over for an expired inspection sticker once while I was on my way to have my vehicle inspected. I knew the officer and he knew that the vehicle had been in my garage for at least 6 months receiving major repairs. My brother-in-law was ticked for not having his current address on his driver’s license (he had just moved) among other ridiculous citations. The officer was "being nice" by giving him a few days to change the address, but took his license! The only solution to this speed-trap, or better put this "ticket-trap", is a new town administration.
Brookwood St
Everywhere particularly in the speed limit areas that are set extremely low. Speed limits change as you top hills and they are at the bottom of the hill so there is no time to slow to that speed.
15miles south of alexandria on US hwy 165; on the edge of the city limits on the east side between 149 and us 165
The police car is on the south side of the road at the city limit sign. Speed limit drops from 50mph to 25mph suddenly and he will be there.
Hy 165
Speed limit drops from 65 to 55 with no changes or reasons why it should. They are no signs signifying a speed reduction. Better have proof of insurance in your vehicle too, if you don’t your looking at a 160 dollar towing as well the speeding ticket. Plus 12 dollars a day storage.