Winnipeg, Manitoba Speed Traps

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Sturgeon Road, from Saskatchewan Ave to Canada Way

Winnipeg, ManitobaJul 20, 20200 Comments

In Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Turning right on to off Saskatchewan Ave. Sturgeon road speed sign is also on on the right at the corner, you are look left for traffic, you then turn north on Sturgeon road towards Rosser Road, police hide in drive of temple the next speed sign (80Km) is after that point.
On the other side of Canada way ( Rosser Road it is 100KM)
Sturgeon road has very little buildings on it , just like Rosser Road
Police also hide on the North end on a dead end road just before Canada way. if your heading north and happen to catch a green light you get a ticket as soon as you hit sturgeon Rd at 20 km over.

Westward bound side of St. Boniface Bridge

Winnipeg, ManitobaMar 28, 20190 Comments

Copper Brown 4 door unmarked sedan cop car at approximately 2:00pm, Sunday March 24, 2019 on the Westward bound side (towards downtown) of the St. Boniface Bridge. Like many other places in this city, cops like to lie in wait on the end of the bridge opposite to that of a traffic light hoping motorists will build up enough speed to trigger the jackpot. I’ve seen the same setup at this location many times before over the years. It must be an extra-ordinary revenue source spot. Makes me so sad to see.

Grant and Thurso

Winnipeg, ManitobaSep 20, 20180 Comments

(Westbound Traffic)

McGillivray and Beaumont

Winnipeg, ManitobaSep 11, 20180 Comments

Officer in car is monitoring Eastbound and Westbound traffic and is obscured by trees/hedges on either side of McGillivray. He will do his job and hand out tickets at all times of day and on weekends.

Waverley St. near Willson Pl

Winnipeg, ManitobaSep 04, 20180 Comments

The officer is often in a white van or red pickup truck with pylons surrounding the vehicle. I’ve seen them there in the morning while going to work and evening while driving home (weekdays). The van seems to be there pretty much everyday. The speed limit is reduced from 70 km to 50 km as you are about to near construction.

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