Winnipeg, Manitoba Speed Traps

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Heading from pembina down university crecent

Winnipeg, ManitobaMay 15, 20020 Comments

As you round a long bend they laser you from the side of the road.

Kenaston and Carpathia, heading south

Winnipeg, ManitobaMay 15, 20020 Comments

When you pass the intersection of Corydon and Kenaston they laser you, and then walk out on the road and pull you over. I’ve seen cars (marked/unmarked) and motorcycles there.

Lagimodiere Blvd/Concordia Overpass

Winnipeg, ManitobaMay 01, 20010 Comments

The officers park in their marked or unmarked Crown Vics and monitor the Northbound 80 kmh zone. They nab you as you crest the overpass. They sometimes park on the shoulder, pop the trunk and put the laser at the front of the car. They look like a stranded motorist that way.

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