Anne Arundel, Maryland Speed Traps

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Arundel Mills Blvd betw Rotherham Dr & Arundel Mills Circle

Anne Arundel, MarylandMay 10, 20100 Comments

Usually approaching Arundel Mills Shopping Ctr from the west. A tempting spot to speed up a little. Look for marked county cars in the median or tucked away on a cross street. Daily, times vary.

Gambrills Road near State Route 175

Anne Arundel, MarylandJul 11, 20080 Comments

Near Kaufmans restaurant. Speed goes down to 30mph just prior, for no reason then goes back up after about a mile in the residential area. Officer is sitting there waiting often.

Interstate 195 near BWI Parkway

Anne Arundel, MarylandApr 28, 20081 Comments

Located on Interstate 195 between BWI Parkway and Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) access road, TSA usually parks on left side of highway with trunk open and RADAR Gun.

Rt 424 Crossing near State Route 50/301

Anne Arundel, MarylandMar 20, 20080 Comments

State Police sit at the park and ride

State Highway 214 near Killarney House Restaurant

Anne Arundel, MarylandFeb 24, 20080 Comments

The cop usually sits hidden just west of Killarney House Restaurant. He’ll be hidden with radar running. I got pulled over just a few months ago, couldn’t find registration so I got ticket for no reg and a warning for going 56 in a 45 zone. It was raining and cold so officer didn’t want to stand in the weather waiting while I dug through glove box.

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