Bel Alton, Maryland Speed Traps
Bel Alton Newtown Road near Sparrow Court
Right at the bottom of the big hill, about a mile past Bel Alton Estates. Speed limit is 40 mph but the hill is so steep you’re going faster than that without touching the gas pedal. I hope that this saves somebody from having a really bad day, (Wish it’d saved me!)
Bel Alton-Newtown Road near 5th Street
Charles County Police in cruisers park on 5th street or Dr. Spencer Rd., (opposite sides)out of site. People driving up or down Bel Alton-Newtown Rd are caught by hand held radar devices by police officer jumping out from either side of two roads mentioned above. Also,watch out for Charles County Police having radar set up across from Bel Alton Post Office on Bel Alton-Newtown Rd., just before or after railroad tracks.