Beltsville, Maryland Speed Traps

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4200 block of ammendale rd WB prince George’s county md

Beltsville, MarylandJul 12, 20160 Comments

This speed trap is along a three lane stretch of road just off i-95.

4500 Ammendale Rd, Prince George’s County,MD

Beltsville, MarylandJun 13, 20132 Comments

Speed cmaera on a 4 lane road with 35mph limit. One camera in the 4500 block and one in the 4600 block

On Sellman Rd. across from Costco.

Beltsville, MarylandMay 14, 20100 Comments

On this short stretch of road they are issuing speeding tickets to motorists
who speed up to catch the green light.

Cherry Hill Road near Sellman Road

Beltsville, MarylandSep 06, 20070 Comments

They set up a speed trap across from the elementary school closest to Cherry Hill Rd. and Sellman Rd. This is done about twice a month during morning or afternoon rush hour times. Generally they set it up to catch traffic coming from the Powder Mill Rd direction and heading toward Route 1. They generally stop several cars at any given time and tickets are given to just about everyone.

Virginia Manor Road near Ritz Way

Beltsville, MarylandJun 17, 20070 Comments

Ok these are nice cops, give a lot of warnings, but the trap is a joke, the limit is too low and they exploit it regularly. This is on Virginia Manor 200m before Ritz way, just after the two strange football statues, headed toward
Rte 1.

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