Clarksville, Maryland Speed Traps
Johns Hopkins Rd, 1000ft west of Sanner Rd
Another waste of Howard County taxpayer’s money. The road is marked at 35mph, and it’s straight, easy to go 50 and feel safe. Howard Count cruiser will be parked on North side of road hiding under trees. Shooting radar or lidar toward west. Usually during morning and evening rush hour, and Saturday and Sunday mid-late mornings.
State Highway 32 near State Route 108
County police have a vehicle with its hood up as a false-fronted broken-down motorist with an unmarked car sitting next to it as the "good-samaritan." A third police car sits forward of the two unmarked cars. All vehicles are positioned under an overpass further obscuring them from sight. The police then shoot between the two vehicles and laze cars that are clustered together. An officer jumps out from The tickets issued to all the motorists are for one-group speed.
State Route 32 near Great Star Road
Trap located under a bypass, on both trafic directions
MD 32 in between Ten Oaks Road and Rt 108
Howard County cops sit on both sides of MD 32 at the bottom of the hill by where the Howard County and Maryland State Highway Administration have their facilities setup at.