Cloverly, Maryland Speed Traps

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Peach Orchard/Sturtevant Road and Briggs Chaney Road

Cloverly, MarylandDec 07, 20140 Comments

It is a Mobile Speed Camera (4 Feet x 3 Foot Stainless Steel Box) Speed Limit: 35 MPH Zone

Briggs Chaney Rd. between 650(NH Ave.) and Good Hope Rd.

Cloverly, MarylandJul 12, 20100 Comments

Very very easy to see during the daytime. In fact, if it gets you during the daytime you probably deserve it. This is a permanently set up state revenue collecting photo speed trap on both sides of the road. Be careful, speed limit varies on both sides of the road. One side is posted 35mph and the other is 30mph.

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