Cockeysville, Maryland Speed Traps

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scott adams road

Cockeysville, MarylandJun 09, 20021 Comments

the cameras on scott adams road are working and you will recieve your 75 dollar ticket in just one week

Greenside Drive

Cockeysville, MarylandJun 02, 20020 Comments

Baltimore County cops, usually marked, will sit on both sides of Greenside Drive between Warren Road and Cranbrook road. Limit is 25MPH and it is a school zone. If your detector gives any warning in this area SLOW DOWN!!!.

Cranbrook Road

Cockeysville, MarylandJun 02, 20020 Comments

Marked and unmarked Baltimore County cars will sit on either Cranbrook Road Or Wiickersham Way nabbing cars going west on Cranbrook. Posted speed is 30MPH but most do 40+. They used to use X (Non-mobile) and K (Mobile) radar guns but recently most have switched to newer Ka band guns.

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