Derwood, Maryland Speed Traps

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Muncaster Road at Granby Road

Derwood, MarylandJul 08, 20110 Comments

Posted speed limit is 30

Shady Grove Rd Eastbound at Epsilon/Tupelo Dr

Derwood, MarylandFeb 27, 20110 Comments

The police park their cruisers on the sidewalk of Shady Grove Rd Eastbound between the ICC bridge & Epsilon/Tupelo Dr.
As you come down the hill on Shady Grove Rd towards Muncaster Mill, coming from 370/Briardale (assuming you miss the red light camera at Briardale, they catch you at full speed. The speed limit is 45 and most people are going well above that.

Redland Road near Muncaster Mill Road

Derwood, MarylandMar 14, 20080 Comments

The police sit in Redland Park and run radar as you come from Muncaster Mill Rd around the curve so you can’t see them until it’s too late. The Speed Limit is 35 but most people are going 45-50mph

Crabbs Branch Way near Indianola Road

Derwood, MarylandMay 03, 20070 Comments

On Crabbs Branch road there is always police with hand held radar ( especially on nice weather days ) between Redline Road and Crabbs Branch.Usually between 9am and 4pm. The speed limit is 30 mph and the average driver goes 40-45 mph.

Crabbs Branch Way near Redland Road

Derwood, MarylandJun 13, 20040 Comments

Either way on Crabbs Branch, between Gude Drive and Redland Road, generally during daylight hours. Headed S on Crabbs Branch past Redland Road, slow down as you make the right bend – in the distance will be Montgomery County police hidden in a townhouse community driveway on the right – just so that shadows, trees, and signs are hiding them – as you come into that straight, they’ll bust you! Going the other way, N on Crabbs Branch past Indianola, the reverse occurs, with the cops hidden in a townhouse community driveway on the right nearer to Redland Road – they’ll step out and flag you into the driveway, or even stop you on Crabbs Branch, which can make an already nightmarish traffic situation worse.

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