Edgewood, Maryland Speed Traps
Willoughby Beach Rd & Sequoia Dr
This is an area to be extremely cautious in around school hours, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The sit at Sequoia at the entrance and zap you as you go by any faster than 25 miles an hour.
State Route 24 near Just before Edgewood road
State trooper are sitting on the shoulder of road with hood and truck up. Troopers are standing at the back of passenger side shooting radar at on coming trafic
US Highway U.S. 40 near West of Abingdon Rd Road
Half of a mile west of Abingdon Rd. You drive down a long hill, followed by a second hill and the unit sits either in a repair facility lot or on the next hill
Cedar Crest Court near Swallow Crest Lane
when you come down the hill on swallow crest the limit is 25 but because of the grade on the hill the cops will get you, they sit in cedar crest n.parked facing the road so they see you befor you see them- they are there fairly regular 2p.m. to 5p.m.
Willoughby Beach Road
This is a three mile road that leads back to neighborhoods near the bush river. It is the only way in or out of the area. Harford county sheriffs and state police have picked this road to set up on for "easy prey" due to having three schools in the area and a large volume of traffic that cannot take any other routes to avoid the constant radar traps. The radar is generally around the schools (day or night) and in a nearby church parking lot. This roads posted speed limit is 25 mph in front of the schools (four lane road) and 30 mph everywhere else. This road was 45 mph in some locations at one time. The locals now call this "revenue road".