Gambrills, Maryland Speed Traps
In between waugh chapel shopping center and the electric co
Officer is parked at the entrance of church on waugh chapel rd. has a big lighted sign by the road can’t miss it. In between waugh chapel shopping center and the electric company on waugh chapel rd. Mostly there at Night.
Rt.3 south "two hot spots"
"first hot spot" Rt.3 South just before you get to the rt. 175 intersection officer likes to sit at the propane co. to your left. "Second hot spot" Rt.3 south 1.5 miles past the Rt.175 intersection officer likes to sit at the first entrance to the fencing company on your right look for the huge lighted sign by the road.
Dairy Farm Road entering 4 seasons by Dairy Farm
Where you start up the hill on Dairy Farm Road, where you go by the flashing speed indicator and you go by the so called trafffic calming island the county police will park in a private driveway on the right.
Dairy Farm Road near Old Dairy Farm Road
Officer hides on the east end of Old Dairy Farm Rd facing out towards Dairy Farm Rd. The speed limit decreases from 40mph to 30mph at this point on Dairy Farm Rd and is on a hill. Officer will pull you over for going as low as 1mph over the speed limit. Also there is a flashing warning sign that tells you if you are going over the 30mph speed limit which will trigger radar detectors.
Waugh Chapel Road near Truck Exit Of Constellation Energy Pits
Trap is On the Dump Truck exit from the Constellation Energy fly ash pits, right before the Waugh Chapel shopping center. Officer is usually by the exit facing the road with amber parking lights on. However, rarely see the officer pull over cars.