Grantsville, Maryland Speed Traps

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East on Old Rt. 40 out of Grantsville

Grantsville, MarylandMar 26, 20130 Comments

The town speed limit in Grantsville is 30 mph. Going down the hill to the Casselman River Bridge is 40 mph. In less than a half mile it turns into 50 mph. The tendency is to exceed 40 going down the hill towards the 50 mph. The police are hiding in a clearing at the bottom of the hill next to river.

Interstate 68 near Mile Marker 19

Grantsville, MarylandMay 08, 20070 Comments

West bound on I68 between Exit 22 and Exit 19. Interstate passes over Casselman River Bridge going downhill then starts uphill again. Multiple troopers will use radar and time you between the marked lines on highway going downhill before bridge. They sit in median at the top of hill and pull you over. Hard to see them in median as they have a clear look at you for 1/2 mile.

US Highway 219 near One mile stretch of US 219 North from the intersection of US Rt 40 at Hilltop

Grantsville, MarylandMay 27, 20060 Comments

Traveing S. on Rt 219, the speed limit drops from 55 to 40 mph about one to one and one-half mile prior to the intersection with Rt 40. Though the change is marked by minimally conspicuous speed limit signs, there is no perceptiable change in highway conditions that would alert a safe driver of a need to reduce speed. MD State Police will station a cruiser (sometimes two sitting right together) over a small rise just inside the 40 mph area and have a field day with unsuspecting motorists.

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