Kingsville, Maryland Speed Traps

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Parking Lot of St. Stephen’s Church

Kingsville, MarylandJun 29, 20100 Comments

Officer sits in the front of the parking lot off to the side and is able to check speed of cars going in either direction. Especially loves to set up as people are on way home from work.

Raphel Rd at Golf Course

Kingsville, MarylandJun 16, 20100 Comments

Baltimore Co. finest will sit at the entrance to the Golf Course in the afternoon especially. He will work his radar in both directions as he is positioned in such a way that you can’t see him until you are on top of him.

Lower lot of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School

Kingsville, MarylandMay 10, 20100 Comments

Police sit in the parking lot and get you as soon as you crest the hill on Jerusalem Road, coming up from the 4 way stop.

Bel Air Road near High’s

Kingsville, MarylandJul 13, 20060 Comments

40 mph zone right before or after a 50 mph zone. enforcement in both directions. State and County cops appear fairly regularly.

Bradshaw Road

Kingsville, MarylandMay 04, 20060 Comments

Officer sits in the area of Kingsville Market. The speed limit is only 40 through the area, but there is no sign posted from turning off of Bradshaw Rd. This officer finds it necessary to berate you for speeding. Also will give a fat ticket, and include negligent driving for driving to fast ina business district. Be careful inthe area!

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