Odenton, Maryland Speed Traps

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Dairy Farm Road

Odenton, MarylandMay 21, 20100 Comments

Heading west on Dairy Farm Rd, AA Co. Police often sit at the corner of Dairy Farm and Old Dairy Farm roads, right after the speed limit lowers to 30mph.

175 Road near Jackson Grove Road

Odenton, MarylandJan 29, 20080 Comments

Officer is usually on Jackson Grove facing 175.

Patuxent Road near Piney Orchard Parkway

Odenton, MarylandDec 05, 20070 Comments

Entering the small township of Woodwardville from Piney Orchard Parkway, the police sit on the left in a dirt pull off just as you round the corner into Woodwardville.

State Route 175 near Reece Road

Odenton, MarylandMar 17, 20050 Comments

AA County Police sit on North/West bound side just beyond the last stores in what was formally Boomtown across from the Fort Meade maingate. It’s a 45 area , but people due 55 plus through there. You won’t see them till it’s too late.

Waugh Chapel Rd.

Odenton, MarylandMar 25, 20030 Comments

Going eastbound on Waugh Chapel Rd. as soon as you pass Strawberry Lake, slow down because county police like to sit in the Waugh Chapel Swimming Pool Parking lot, next to the trees. The speed limit is 35!, and seldomly will find anyone following it, so beware.

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