Pikesville, Maryland Speed Traps
In front of Old Court Middle School, 4600 blk. Old Court Rd.
Automated camera system is set to read and photograph any vehicle movement at the fixed speed of 42 mph or above in a 30-mph zone. Photos are taken both of the vehicle and its license tag in close-up.
Slade Ave, between Park Heights Ave and Reisterstown Rd
Police hang out in the Bank of America parking lot on the right, during the morning rush hour, catching people going from Park Heights Ave to Reisterstown Road.
Reisterstown Road between Old Court Road and Smith Avenue
Police cars lay in wait at side streets and parking lots. A frequent place from which they monitor traffic is the Pikes Diner parking lot entrance.
Old Court Road between Reisterstown Rd and Scotts Level Rd.
Police Cars use Radar Guns at the 7-11 Store Intersection
Milford Mill Road & Scotts Level Rd.
Police Cars are located in the Walking Trail Parking Lot on Milford Mill Road
at Scotts Hill Drive one block south of the Scotts Level Rd traffic light