Rockawalkin, Maryland Speed Traps

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Rt. 349 Rockawalkin/Quantico toward Nanticoke

Rockawalkin, MarylandOct 05, 20110 Comments

Rt. 349 is Nanticoke Road, which winds through the small towns on the “West Side” of Salisbury.

Police speed trap from the Rockawalkin area to the Eastern State Correctional prison and possibly beyond ON the FLY (while moving), coming toward you. Speed limit is 50 all the way into Tyaskin/Bivalve (speed limit drops to 40 mph). Police will pull speeders at 60mph+ but often give only warnings.

The most activity seems to be at the end/beginning of each month. The officers often give warnings but probably give tickets at higher speeds.

The locals drive very slowly, generally under 60mph. Pretty much all of them have been pulled over!

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