Taneytown, Maryland Speed Traps

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North of Antrim on Trevanion Rd

Taneytown, MarylandJun 07, 20100 Comments

Going Nth or Sth on Trevanion just south of the elementary school, I’ve seen two police officers using radar in a subdivision. One was hiding behind a pole shooting and one was chasing. It goes from 40 to 25 and they are very strict there.

Antrim Blvd

Taneytown, MarylandMar 31, 20100 Comments

Almost directly across from the Ford dealer there is a small pull off (used to be the old Taneytown fairgrounds) the town police tuck back into it, so by the time you get on them, its too late.

State Route 140 near State Route 194

Taneytown, MarylandJul 13, 20061 Comments

On SR140, on either side of the main intersection in Taneytown, as you come into town. This is a Taneytown police car, not a State Trooper. I see him on either side of 140, usually sitting in the parking lot of a business. He will move throughout the day so you may think he’s gone, but he’s really across the street in another lot. I’ve seen him during the week and on weekends, frequently with someone pulled over into a lot on 140. The speed limit drops here from 45 to 25 as you approach town, and most people are still doing the higher rate coming into town.

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