Vienna, Maryland Speed Traps

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Rt 50 @ Nanticoke River Bridge

Vienna, MarylandApr 18, 20100 Comments

MSP often set up on the road to the right leading to the inspection station and shooting range just after the Nanticoke River bridge watching Eastbound traffic on Rt 50. Ocassionally, they will set up in the median on either side of the bridge at the turnarounds

US Highway 50 near Town of Vienna

Vienna, MarylandAug 07, 20071 Comments

Officers sit on a long straight portion of U.S. 50 with 4-6 cars as one enters the vienna area from Linkwood

Interstate 50

Vienna, MarylandDec 11, 20030 Comments

Eastbound Rte. 50, midway between Chicamicomico creek and Nanticoke River bridge (about 3 miles) on Rte. 50. MSP are like vultures from 8pm to about 1 am.
You are usually clear eastbound from the bridge to Salisbury.

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