Westminster, Maryland Speed Traps

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Littlestown Pike near the airport

Westminster, MarylandFeb 23, 20230 Comments

Cop in a maroon unmarked explorer stopping everybody during morning rush hour.

Route 97 just south of Rt 26

Westminster, MarylandOct 21, 20190 Comments

State and County sit along Route 97 just south of 26 and just north of Barrett near a new housing development on the left.

Lemmon Road and Wild Goose Court

Westminster, MarylandJan 08, 20170 Comments

Carroll County Sheriff sits in the merge area in the morning using rear radar to catch people coming around small curve in road before you reach Wild Goose Court.

Kate Wagner Road toward Gist

Westminster, MarylandMay 07, 20120 Comments

State troopers and Sheriffs dept both love to sit in parking area on left as you crest top of hill on Kate Wagner halfway between Rt 27 and Gist. Speed limit is 40. They also like to catch you for taillights out, etc

Old Washington Rd. east of Kate Wagner Rd.

Westminster, MarylandMar 28, 20110 Comments

Usually City Police or County Sheriffs car sits in the entrance to Robert Moten Elementry School. This is the entrance where construction is going on. Speed limit is 35 mph.

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