Westminster, Maryland Speed Traps
Route 97 between Route 140 and Route 26 (Liberty Road)
About midway between 140 and 97. Usually on the southbound side. Both Maryland State troopers and Carroll County cops work this heavily.
Stone Chapel Road just past quarry.
Police sit here and watch motorosts come down the hill. Speed limit 40, but most people doing about 50 when they reach the bottom of the hill
State Highway 140 by Reese Firehall
There is a u-turn area in the median, just after you pass Reese fire hall, when entering Westminster where the police like to sit… especially at night.
Royer Road & Stacy Lee Dr
Either direction on Royer Rd., Westminster City PD sit by the pool or on Stacy Lee shooting on Royer. Limit is 25 – suggest you dont do 28 ! ! ! !
Sam’s Creek Road near Sequoia Drive
CC Sheriff sits either on Sequoia or at the barn across the street…has plenty of business since this is a 30 mph road, and he’s at the bottom of a long slope…most annoying thing recently is when he pulls someone over, he just stops right on the road, with no attempt to get out of the flow of traffic.